9 wonders of Black Pepper that you must have it at your home.

9 wonders of Black Pepper that you must have it at your home.

It’s a spice that you need to call for it to taste of food. Not just make your food delicious only, but also take care of your health as well.

          In addition, Black Pepper is the famous king of spices for flavor to cook. Also the herb is amazing that is used for cooking, medicinal herbs, and supplements. Today, we have the properties of black pepper that help to treat the health.

Black Pepper, it is changed from a spice to be an herb for taking care the body.

  1. To digest better. To prevent constipation and diarrhea. It has been reported that black pepper can help treat the gastric ulcer and help the stomach to digest food better at the same time, because it has helped to increase the amount of hydrochloric acid which is responsible for the protein.

  2. To lose weight. Some herbs help to reduce appetite, but black pepper is a help to increase some enzymes that digest fat. Anyone who wants to lose weight and reduce cholesterol in the same time.

  3. To absorb the nutrients. In addition, black pepper is a herb, it is a transport nutrients for another herb to various parts of the body and is helping the absorption efficiency.

  4. To treat the skin diseases. A study in England found that this spice can help treat vitiligo because it stimulates the skin to produce melanocyte and reduce the risk to be skin diseases, both treatment and prevention of dual to each other.

  5. To have antioxidant. Black pepper is one antioxidant like other herbs, but also it repairs cell that damaged from free radicals.

Black pepper with the properties in Chronic Diseases.

  1. To reduce injuries of respiratory diseases. Such as cold and stuffy. Also, there is the effect of dissolving sputum better. Anyone who suffer sinus symptoms, it is a good news because black pepper helps to treat sinus rhythm.

  2. To against bacteria. Infections from bacteria acts like a disinfectant such as infections in the digestive or urinary tract.

  3. To build a working brain. Especially the thinking and memory in Alzheimer’s disease. It’s one of the herbs that stimulates a neurotransmitter in the brain smoothly.

  4. To reduce the risks to be heart disease. In addition, the herb can digest and clean blood vessels by breaking the fat that is attached to the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, it is the main cause of cardiovascular disease. When you hear this one, Black Pepper is one choice that takes care your heart.

How are the properties of Black Pepper? Flavoring dishes not only can make the delicious, but it makes you smile because you must not tire of working on all body systems. The Black pepper herb stimulates various important systems to work effectively, healthy going for it.

If you are interested in 100% authentic Chiang Dao Nature Food, you can call or ask for rental information. To buy products at the factory.

Call Center 0891710545, 0923794398

ChiangDao Nature Food

line @ Line ID: @sukanyathaig

Line ID: manow98

Facebook: Sukalaya Chiang Dao Herbs https://www.facebook.com/sukanya.dung

Email: garden2508@gmail.com

5 worthy of  Curcuma comosaWan or Chak Mot Luk that answers and solutions for problems women.

5 worthy of Curcuma comosaWan or Chak Mot Luk that answers and solutions for problems women.

Curcuma comosa, Wan Chak Mot Luk, Herbal medicine in Thai that health care and balance of women especially. You might be a person who need help with this.

Herb in Zingiberaceae isWan Chak Mot Luk that is planted underground. In Thailand, there are 2 kinds,Curcuma comosa and Curcuma latifolia, when you look them, you see a little different about them. It is an herbal medicine in Thai used to treat women for a long time. Nowadays, we have a solution for women from Wan Chak Mot Luk.

Wan Chak Mot Luk with a solution that is an antagonist of the women.

  1. To solve the problem of abnormal period. This problem is annoyingwomen. It has been some months to come less just stopping, or some months to come in advance until women shocked. Wan Chak Mot Luk is an herb that soothes her menstrual cycle to work on time and regularly that is important for women because it makes women’s plan in life much easier.
  2. To reduce the symptoms, PMS (Premenstrualsyndrome) or symptoms before period. Some have headaches, body aches, pains in the muscles and breast engorgement hurt like breastfeeding. Some people don’t have just a physical one, but also have mood swings easily and depression. Not easy to face these problems every month. The study found, from scientists in Thai, that this helps these symptoms decrease or disappear.
  3. To reduce discomfort during the period. Some have pain or fever during the period. Abdominal pain-delay type that no want to leave or to work. This called a women’s body that is known as the weakest in any month. In addition,Wan Chak Mot Luk can reduce the symptoms before a period and also can reduce discomfort during period that is excellent. So women are not rejected.

The big problem of women solved by Wan Chak Mot Luk.

  1. To make the vagina tighten or technical term is Repair, but this case doesn’t require surgery. Relying on properties in Wan Chak Mot Luk, make the vagina tighten and no dry vagina. Especially the mother after birth that often have this problem.
  2. To reduce aging. When entering the aging, this herb answers for women with this problem because there are phytoestrogen hormones, which can replace the estrogen hormones that big aging is lacking. So it helps to reduce thereaction of these quite well.

Women face changing all the ages, since all teenagers started period, to have children, and began to be the aging. Although these changes are a natural, but nature was not smooth for every woman. Some people faced the different problems that told all before. Curcuma comosa is born to be an herb, especially women, is both prevention and reduction of symptoms caused by sex hormones that when God created a woman, it also is created with merciless as well.

thai herb that drew the uterus

thai herb for women’s vaginal discharge

If you are interested in 100% authentic Chiang Dao Nature Food, you can call or ask for rental information. To buy products at the factory.

Call Center 0891710545, 0923794398

ChiangDao Nature Food

line @ Line ID: @sukanyathaig

Line ID: manow98

Facebook: Sukalaya Chiang Dao Herbs https://www.facebook.com/sukanya.dung

Email: garden2508@gmail.com

7 nutrients that rich value in Moringa in one step service.

7 nutrients that rich value in Moringa in one step service.

Moringais both vegetables and herbs with nutrients and energy, vitamins, minerals, and delicious food in Thai kitchen for a long time.

          Moringais well known and you know about all parts of this herb that is useful to all are barks, leaves, and sheathes. You may ever eat Curry Moringa before, but only few people know that this herb contains some nutrients. You’d be amazed that you want to go to the market to buy it for cooking. Those are all nutrients necessary and important for the body. Let’s see what!

The vitamins necessary for the body was found in Moringa.

  1. Vitamin A is a treat the eyes and skin moist. Moringa has a lot of vitamin A that keep your eyes to be treated as vegetables and fruits.
  2. Vitamin B2 is an important vitamin that can create the energy and change starch to be sugar. So if you lack vitamin B2, like a lack of energy and weakness. In Moringa, it is rich in vitamin B2, in the quantity as well as vitamin A.
  3. Vitamin B6is another nutrient that can treat the function of the nerves and the brain. In medical, they use this vitamin in the form of vitamin B1-6-12 in the treatment of patients with stroke. It is known as the vitamin for treatment.
  4. Vitamin C :we heard that vitamin C solve the flu, besides that, it also stimulates the immune system to work better. At least, the girls are like so much is that it helps in the synthesis of collagen to the skin, making beautiful skin, and lots of vitamin C -rich in the most of Moringa leaves.



Nutrients in Moringa that you don’t lack.

  1. Magnesium is an important nutrient for energy to the muscles and nervous system. If you lack mineral, it can cause muscle weakness or without much that effect on the nervous system and thinking. So you should not lack Magnesium.
  2. Iron is necessary nutrients to create another red blood cells. Therefore, those who lacks the iron, it makes pale skin easily and it affects to weakness, tried, and dizziness. Some people who lack much to give blood.
  3. Protein: it’s difficultly believed that herbs have protein and contain a significant proportion is 21 grams of protein, is Moringa leaves 2 grams, is considered enoughfor the plant proteincomponent. The function of protein per body that would not describe what. It also provides energy and repairs nails, hair strength, and the wound is gone easily.

These are nutrients of Moringa that needed to 7 types, like shooting up to 7 birds with one stone, because each nutrient without this is big.The scientists and academician discovered for herbs to maximize the benefits. Moringa is both vegetable and herb that givesexcellent nutrients like one step service. 

If you are interested in 100% authentic Chiang Dao Nature Food, you can call or ask for rental information. To buy products at the factory.

Call Center 0891710545, 0923794398

Chiang Dao Nature Food

line @ Line ID: @sukanyathaig

Line ID: manow98

Facebook: Sukalaya Chiang Dao Herbs https://www.facebook.com/sukanya.dung

Email: garden2508@gmail.com


8 properties of PluKaow take care of your health incredibly.

8 properties of PluKaow take care of your health incredibly.

“Good health has not bought, if you want it, you have to do by yourself.” This phrase is still used until nowadays because PluKaow is an aid from nature that is the answer and good to the body more than chemicals.

It is one herb that has been interested in Asia or Southeast Asia, is PluKaow, and it is foundin China and Japan as well. Its properties are popular because the advanced properties are close with another herb. If you see and almost unbelievable that it is like this, the properties that are what and today we have.

          PluKaow is an aid ofthe digestive tractand excretory system.

  1. To help a work of the digestive tract. If digestive tract has a problem that is trial, because when you eat or sleep, it is difficultly. PluKaow is another one that is well known about treating digestive tract, as well; constipation,diarrhea, and variant bowel.
  2. To reduce appetite.A study found that it is another herb to use as well controlling weight because it can reduce appetite and it is a choice for who want to control or lose weight.
  3. To help detox of the body.It is a good aid of liver and kidney in detox from the body that these organs donot work hard, reduceresponsibility, and are in good health.
  4. To reduce the blood sugar levels. It is interested in pharmacy because there is a study that results as well as to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.Not sure that soon PluKaow maybe one of herb that was chosen for use in the treatment of diabetes.



The respiratory tract fluency and immune strength by Plukaow.

  1. To support a working lung. PluKaow has properties that have helpstrong lungsand work better. We already know that the lung is the organ, is important, in helping the exchange of oxygen to the cells of the body. So if the lung is working well, it makes the body receives enough oxygen, not tried easily, and fresh. Because of nowadays more pollution as a threat to our lungs, not at all.
  2. To help treat respiratory diseases. Such as asthma caused by bronchial contraction to the trachea that needs drugs all the time. This herb will help inhibit allergens or antihistamine that causes respiratory system problems. Because of these problems is considered an acute and life-threatening if prevention and treatment, so the quality of life is better.
  3. To help treat rheumatism and skin diseases. It is reported that used PluKaow leaves to squeeze and brought to wash that made it better. So this property is one really incredible.
  4. To against infections. The infections of virus and bacteria have the effect that any younger antibiotics at the same time, but it is coming from natural. It would be better, right?

In addition to exercise and rest enough. Herbal health care, it is another way to help the body in which has not to work hard to against pollution and toxin by itself alone. PluKaow is one of many herbs that has the properties of health care almost every system. Especially important as the respiratory system, PluKaow is waiting for you to be a choice for your body. Turn to take care of yourself with herbs, its not far away.


If you are interested in 100% authentic Chiang Dao Nature Food, you can call or ask for rental information. To buy products at the factory.

Call Center 0891710545, 0923794398

Chiang Dao Nature Food

line @ Line ID: @sukanyathaig

Line ID: manow98

Facebook: Sukalaya Chiang Dao Herbs https://www.facebook.com/sukanya.dung

Email: garden2508@gmail.com