Visit Thai buffalo village in Suphanburi,Thailand

Visit Thai buffalo village in Suphanburi, Thailand
“Kwai Thai Village” situated along the highway 340 (Suphanburi-Sriprajan) at kilometers 115-116 is a place that gather a traditional way of life of region (The Central of Thailand).An area over 100 acres are divide in parts such as The peasant village life is simple, threshing floor, buffalo corral, the new theory, Thai houses and each house has its own activity for enthusiasts. Such as body Thai massage, how to use herb, astrology conservatory, and buffalo show yard.

Show Time

Monday – Friday 11.00-11.30 am. & 03.00 – 03.30 pm.

Saturday – Sunday 11.00 – 11.30 am. , 02.30 – 03.00 pm. & 04.00 – 04.30 pm.

Have a souvenir shop of Ban Kwai at the front of entrance for the tourism.

Ban Kwai open everyday

Monday – Friday from 09.00 am. – 06.00 pm.

Saturday – Sunday from 09.30 am. – 06.30 pm.

Admission fee for Adult 150 bath Children 100 bath

More information

Bangkok office Tel. 0 2270 0395-7 Suphanburi office Tel. 0 3558 2521-3

When you come here to visit field of “ Ban Kwai Suphanburi” The fist that you can feel are good smell of a soil, a field and attachment of buffalo and peasant. In past beauty of the lush green fields on either side, It does not have to experience the real atmosphere of this farm.

With an area of 115 acres. We divide an area in many sections. So the visitors that come to Thailand are filled with life. As follows

1. Rural Thai Village

Held to illustrate traditional Thai peasant life again is a picture of working in a field that don’t using any modern machinery and the craft and wisdom of ancestors who reflected from tools that use in daily life.

Which are on display in the house Plaina. Plaina is a house is inhabited by people with a relatively poor or  person who is recently started a new life. How to build is simple and the material are easy to find. The house build from bamboo and the roof made from “Nypa”.

2. Sri Prachan house

A house built of bamboo, thatched roof houses, as well as the first, but slightly larger.

Is the home of the family started expanding, create a space under the elevated house. For storage a tools in the farm of a farmer who has a reasonable.The house is a block of room,
Home basement have a loom because when they have free time from doing work in a field they usually weave a woven fabric for wearing.

Large Thai house style.Last house is a small house.  There are two large double house and welding terrace.  There is a separate kitchen. Thatched roofs and tiles. It’s the house.It’s home that have many members. Family that a good status. In the back has a stable for a pig and chicken.Space under home have a mortar ,coop and etc.

Thai house style it have a Thai traditional medicine house. By simulating the well-being of people in the past.Arts and Culture m

ilan have a wedding ceremony performing and regional songs.
It’s has a restaurant, local product shop and product from factory that produce in Suphanburi.

In addition, tourists can also visit  sugarcane factory  that hard to find nowadays. And visit a beauty of herb garden, rock garden waterfall that we intend to create to allow visitors to take the time to explore cost-effectively and to be a tourist comprehensive. We are create resort, tourist housing seminar room    To accommodate the needs of travelers that want to stay overnight or  seminar. The rooms and seminar rooms are comfortable and have many facilities.

Buffalo Milan

It’s a milan   for the ability of the animal. Many people say that the buffalo  has a least brain.  When trained to understand commands and can follow. The enjoyment of the buffalo.  Watch a pretty ,bright from buffalo.

From evidence in the territory of Suphanburi. The Dvaravati kingdom.  That has a centre in U Thong

Approximately 12-18 century, or about 1300 years ago.
The archaeological evidence has been found that the buffalo are used to plow. Called a buffalo plowing culture. It’s an important animals are drawn to planting in the area. Buffalo and Thai people are binding more than one thousand years and believe that buffalo Roles related to Thai people lifestyle. They used buffalo as labor for agriculture, transportation and communications even in the war. We used a buffalo as a vehicle to engage the enemy. Such as war of “Bang Rachan” .We has realized and appreciates. Is in. .. Of Buffalo home – Suphanburi. Buffalo and people are binding since in the past. Especially, life style people from the past. We are buffalos labor in agriculture since Sukhothai, Ayutthaya and Rattanakosin. We can say that. “Buffalo is the life of the people”.

Thai people in past praise buffalo because they have benefactor. We will make amends by over buffalo. After finished from plowing and sowing season.

To show their gratitude to the buffalo.

Formerly,We don’t kill buffalo for food but we will take a it until they old and let them die by their age.

However, with the advancement of technology. Buffalo is replaced by tractor agriculture in the Thailand.
We have seen the value of the animals that are valuable to human more than a thousand years.

Since Dvaravati and Its successors continue to live and to raise the Thais and remember “buffalo”    Animal that have a favor to Thai people…  and we hope “Ban Kwaii” will be a Places of cultural and agricultural that very importance of Thailand and The World.

News Article by Agence ThaiG.

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